Our purpose
and values

PieLAB's purpose is to develop people and help them build great businesses.

Our Values

Be inquisitive

At the heart of all PieLAB activities is a thirst for learning and an inquisitive approach to business. Only those who can maintain a learning mindset become successful business leaders.

Have a ‘get up and go’ (GUAG) mentality

Great business leaders have GUAG—they make things happen. They overcome obstacles, refuse to take no for an answer, find solutions where others see problems, and above all, remain passionate about what they do. Great investors require similar energy, relentlessly pursuing and vetting opportunities and helping their investments succeed, year after year.

remain generous

In the business world, opportunity comes to those who have a reputation for doing good: who are fair in their dealings and treat people well, while also having a proven track record of adding value. At PieLAB, we are generous with our time, knowledge and expertise in growing businesses, and we are generous with our reward structure for leaders that genuinely add value.

Be humble

Success in business is all about leadership. Humble leaders are better liked, more effective, have a lower sense of entitlement and are more helpful. At PieLAB, humility is key to the collective success of our organisation.

Talk to us about becoming a PieLAB portfolio company.